Kasper Bormans heeft de afgelopen jaren meerdere inspirerende bijdragen geleverd aan Hét Dementie Congres van Nursing. De deelnemers beschreven zijn presentatie als: “Top presentatie! Leuk zo’n out-of-the-box benadering van het onderwerp. Echt een meerwaarde!” en “Kasper is een bijzonder talent! Hij heeft heel veel handvaten meegegeven over de communicatie met mensen met dementie”.
Kasper Bormans heeft de afgelopen jaren meerdere inspirerende bijdragen geleverd aan Hét Dementie Congres van Nursing. De deelnemers beschreven zijn presentatie als: “Top presentatie! Leuk zo’n out-of-the-box benadering van het onderwerp. Echt een meerwaarde!” en “Kasper is een bijzonder talent! Hij heeft heel veel handvaten meegegeven over de communicatie met mensen met dementie”.
Diversity, equity and inclusion. Powerful words, but the true power occurs when they are transformed into action. We at Volvo Group Trucks Operations were inspired by Dr. Kasper Bormans and his work on communication techniques aiming at improving the quality of life for people with dementia. In Volvo we do have differently abled people whom we would like to include more, and better, in work life. This is about improving life at work for everybody, using knowledge, joy, imagination, and empathy. But the techniques explained by Dr. Kasper Bormans are also very useful for leadership communication in an industrial environment, for change management and to increase employee satisfaction at work.
Maria Rosenkrantz, Senior Vice President HR Volvo Group Trucks Operations - Sweden
As a caregiver for my wife with Parkinson's disease and Lewy bodies dementia, Kasper Bormans' techniques on communicating with people with dementia have been a game-changer. His compelling arguments for maintaining connections with positivity are both inspiring and practical. Learning how to get to 'yes' in our conversations has significantly improved our interactions. I discovered Kasper's work and was thrilled to find that memory techniques from indigenous cultures could be adapted for dementia care. This book is a must-read for anyone in a caregiving role.
Kay Canavino - Caregiver for his wife with dementia - Northampton, Massachusetts - US
‘Kasper Bormans' book provides invaluable insights for all European nurses, supporting frontline care and enhancing the quality of life for citizens with dementia. It is an essential guide for navigating the complexities of nursing within diverse healthcare settings, contributing to a sustainable and efficient approach in long-term and dementia care across the EU.
Paul De Raeve Secretary General European Federation of Nurses Associations – EFN
The care and support needed to ensure that all people living with dementia have their human rights, as well as their well-being upheld is a massive undertaking. I applaud Kasper for his constant leadership in this area and look forward to the positive impact his book will make in dementia care.
Dr Laura Booi, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Dementia Research, Leeds Beckett University, UK & Senior Atlantic Fellow, Global Brain Health Institute
As a former carer and now advocate for the voice of the person living with a dementia diagnosis and their loved ones, I am very aware of the importance of communication. It is imperative that we stay connected and give the individual every opportunity to engage with their community. Kasper has a particular insight and ability to highlight this and his work gives great insight into the issues that present. Kasper gives us hope for a more inclusive society.
Carmel Geoghegan, Founder. Dementia Ireland Empowering Communities - Ireland
Dr. Bormans writes evocatively about his journey and its inevitable intertwining with others... a joyful emanating of all that one finds meaningful. The pages burst with a rare and layered humanity; a compelling, vivid account.
Emily H Ho, PhD, Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, US
Dr Bormans demonstrates that imagination, passion and cross-disciplinary ideas are key to improving the lives of older people with dementia and their family supporters. He is an outstanding early career scholar and this text showcases his innovative thinking.
Victoria Tischler, Professor of Behavioural Science, University of Surrey, UK
This excellent book significantly enhances our understanding of individuals with dementia. Kasper Bormans synthesizes strategies from research and discoveries in art and advertising, gambling psychology, and other fields to encourage not only those with dementia but also individuals struggling with social connections. With practical advice for addressing and managing these issues, the book offers valuable insights, emphasizing that no one is an island. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to readers.
Ying-Chyi Chou, Professor, Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University, Taiwan
Swinging to the Rhythm of People with Dementia' epitomizes Kasper Bormans' groundbreaking efforts to reimagine the narrative of dementia through the lens of genuine human connection. Through poignant anecdotes, insightful research, and a compassionate narrative, Bormans places shared humanity at the forefront of our interactions with people with dementia and advocates for innovative communication approaches. His research exemplifies co-creation and the practical application of science for community benefit, grounded in lived experience. This book does not shy away from the challenging reality of dementia but encourages a response rooted in empathy and creativity rather than ignorance and despair. It is a must-read for everyone, for, in one way or another, the threads of dementia will weave through the fabric of all our lives.
Marija Taneska, MSc Dementia, UK
In his book, Kasper manages to combine an appreciative attitude and practical suggestions. An enrichment for everyone who supports people with dementia in their professional or private setting! A clear recommendation!
Dr. phil. Wienke Jacobsen (Social worker/Health Scientist on parental leave) – Germany
Kasper Bormans, with insight, humor and powerful storytelling, has authored a book that will serve as as essential resource for both family and professional carers of individuals living with dementia.
David Troxel, Dementia Care Consultant and Educator, Sacramento CA, US