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Van Gils & Gasten
Van Gils & Gasten

The Game of Imagination

VRT Journaal
VRT Journaal

Wat Alz?

Café Corsari
Café Corsari

Wat Alz?

Lectures by Dr. Kasper Bormans: Three Unique Perspectives

Dr. Kasper Bormans, an expert in communication and dementia, offers three unique lectures, each based on his influential books:

  1. What Alz?
    • This lecture delves into the essence of communication, the power of dreams, and the wonder of relationships. Kasper shares insights from his successful book What Alz?, highlighting the impact of imagination and empathy in caring for people with dementia.
  2. Making Time for People with Dementia
    • Based on his practical guide Making Time for People with Dementia, Kasper presents 52 concrete ways to continue communicating with people with dementia. This lecture is designed for anyone involved in care and offers immediately applicable techniques to improve the quality of interaction.
  3. Swinging to the Rhythm of People with Dementia
    • In this lecture, Kasper introduces his latest insights and techniques from Swinging to the Rhythm of People with Dementia. He discusses the Resonance Method, an innovative approach that promotes gentle, rhythmic communication and can significantly enhance the quality of life for people with dementia.

Each lecture offers an in-depth exploration of specific aspects of dementia care and serves as an inspiration for care professionals, caregivers, and anyone involved in the well-being of people with dementia.

Five Reasons to Organize an Interactive Session with Kasper Bormans:

  1. Expertise:Dr. Kasper Bormans is a renowned expert in the field of dementia and has conducted extensive research on this subject. He translates experience, knowledge, and insights into language that everyone can understand.
  2. Empathy and Understanding: Kasper’s approach to dementia is deeply empathetic, grounded in his research and experiences. He can help the audience grasp the challenges faced by people with dementia and their caregivers.
  3. Practical Tips and Strategies: In addition to theoretical knowledge, he offers a diverse range of practical tips and strategies for new ways to communicate with people with dementia.
  4. Awareness and Destigmatization: Through his lectures, Kasper contributes to raising awareness about dementia and reducing the stigmas often associated with the condition. He can help break down prejudices and foster understanding for those living with dementia.
  5. Support for Caregivers: Participants not only receive information and advice but also experience emotional support, understanding, and hope.

Short Bio:

Dr. Kasper Bormans (°1987) obtained his PhD at KU Leuven under the guidance of psychiatrist Dirk De Wachter and is affiliated with Maastricht University. He is the author of influential books such as What Alz? and Making Time for People with Dementia and developed innovative tools like the MemoryHome app. Kasper is a sought-after speaker at both national and international conferences. In 2024, he was awarded the noble title of Baron by the King of the Belgians for his work.

Contact Kasper